Dinner/Fundraising Event Hon John Anderson and Tim James MP
When 1 August 2024
Where Doltone House Darling Island
Time 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Willoughby SEC is hosting an evening of drinks and dinner at Dolton House with former deputy PM, The Hon John Anderson AC and Member for Willoughby Tim James MP, NSW Shadow Minister for Fair Trading, Work Health and Safety and Building.

Also NSW parliament Shadow ministers and members who are attending this event will be hosting tables

The Hon Natasha Maclaren-Jones MLC, The Hon Rachel Merton MLC, Wendy Tuckerman MP,
Alister Henskes SC MP, The Hon Scott Farlow MLC, The Hon Anthony Roberts MP, The Hon Damien Tudehope MLC and Justin Clancy MP.

Ticket Prices:

$350 Silver ticket (11 silver seats per table including MP (comp) so 10 seats to buy the table. There are 0 silver tables). 
$180 Bronze Ticket (10 people per table) 
$130 Willoughby SEC ticket (10 people per table)
$1800 Bronze table of 10 guests
$3500 Silver table of 10 guests

Tim James MP

This is a State Fundraising event for Willoughby SEC.

Enquiries to

Pierre Okosdinossian

Phone 0424 406 683