Today, the Senate handed down its report on the biggest distraction Bill this Parliament has seen; the NBN Commitment to Public Ownership Bill.
Melissa McIntosh MP
Shadow Minister for Communications
Shadow Minister for Western Sydney
Federal Member for Lindsay
Today, the Senate handed down its report on the biggest distraction Bill this Parliament has seen; the NBN Commitment to Public Ownership Bill.
The Coalition wants families to have affordable and reliable internet connectivity for Australians; this Bill does nothing to help with this.
Given today’s handing down of a Senate committee’s report into the Bill, the Shadow Minister for Communications, Melissa McIntosh said, “this Bill is a Labor stunt that is attempting to mask the poor satisfaction and higher costs families are facing with the NBN.
“The Albanese Labor Government must fix the problems the NBN is being plagued with instead of spending time on a faux issue that does not exist.
“Just seven submissions were made to the inquiry with the NBN and the Communications and Finance departments not providing a submission to the committee’s inquiry.
“The NBN is losing customers from three in four of its products and there are price increases which have impacted Australian families during this cost of living crisis. Since November 2023 bills have risen by up to 13 per cent for customers.
“This is despite the Albanese Labor Government saying it is vital the NBN’s focus is on affordable and accessible high-speed broadband. It is unfortunate this Bill’s bluff and bluster is taking the government’s attention away from achieving what the government wants.
“It’s time the Albanese Labor Government begins to get the basics right with the NBN, rather than wasting time on bills, reviews and reports that are not needed.