Labor cheats on school infrastructure test
The Minns Labor Government is once again taking credit for the Liberal and Nationals’ education plan, trying to claim it is responsible for “new and upgraded learning facilities” that have opened for the start of Term 1.
The Minns Labor Government is once again taking credit for the Liberal and Nationals’ education plan, trying to claim it is responsible for “new and upgraded learning facilities” that have opened for the start of Term 1.
Almost all of the 18 projects “announced” by the Minns Government this morning were already funded by the former Liberal and Nationals Government.
Opposition Leader Mark Speakman said Premier Chris Minns is trying to reap the rewards without doing any of the groundwork.
“Today is an important day for students and families across NSW, as they embark on a new school year,” Mr Speakman said.
“Thanks to extensive planning and the funding that was set aside by the former Liberal and Nationals Government, thousands of students are able to start this journey with new or upgraded facilities.”
“Chris Minns is up to his old tricks, claiming the credit for classrooms and buildings that he had nothing to do with.”
In the Liberal and Nationals’ 2022-023 Budget (Infrastructure Statement pages 2-6 and 2-7) money was allocated for the following schools in various stages of delivery:
- Gulyangarri Public School
- Jerrabomberra High School
- Budawang School
- Nirimba Fields Public School
- Melonba High School
- Tallawong Public School
- Muswellbrook South Public School
- Liverpool West Public School
- Fort Street Public School
- Bletchington Public School
- Oran Park Public School
- John Palmer Public School
- Hastings Secondary College
- Glenwood High School
- Mosman High School
- Seven Hills High School
- Millthorpe Public School
- Bangalow Public School
Shadow Minister for Education and Early Learning Sarah Mitchell said construction had already begun on 14 of the 18 schools before Labor was even elected.
“The announcement by Chris Minns today is extremely disingenuous. Labor has taken the money we set aside and is opening the projects we had already started and parents deserve more transparency,” Ms Mitchell said.
““I personally attended the sod turn to mark the start of construction for a number of the school projects they are trying to take credit for today. The fact the Premier can stand at a school like Jerrabomberra High, which was well underway before he even became the Premier, is remarkable. He needs to tell the truth.”
“During our time in Government, the Liberal and Nationals delivered $9.1b in new and upgraded schools since 2017, with an additional $8.6b in the pipeline for future projects, which amounts to more than $17.7 billion worth of school infrastructure across the state.”
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