The Coalition Government is helping even more young Australians to secure a job by boosting the Youth Jobs PaTH program.
The Coalition Government is helping even more young Australians to secure a job by boosting the Youth Jobs PaTH program.
Starting from 1 January 2020, $10 million will be available for industry organisations to work with employment service providers to create new pathways for young people to gain work experience and employment in their industry.
Minister for Jobs and Industrial Relations, the Hon Kelly O’Dwyer MP, said PaTH, which has so far assisted over 43,000 young people get a job, will be expanded so growth industries can directly engage with young job seekers, giving them opportunities to access industry-led pre-vocational training and work experience.
“While the jobs figures show us that more Australians are in work than ever before – and a record 100,000 young job seekers found work last year, we want to see even more young Australians in work,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
“The evidence shows us that employability skills training and work experience help disadvantaged young people gain the skills employers’ value. PaTH is giving young job seekers the assistance and encouragement they need to learn new skills, become job ready and find, and keep, a job.”
“The PaTH Industry Pilots will build on the success of PaTH by directly connecting job seekers with industries experiencing high labour demand, such as the disability and aged care sectors.”
The Pilots will directly address the barriers that hold young people back from entering the workforce, including lower skillsets compared to more experienced job seekers and lack of work experience.
“Youth Jobs PaTH is giving young people the employability skills and real work experience they need to get a job. It has already helped thousands move from welfare to work,” Minister O’Dwyer said.
PaTH Industry Pilot providers will facilitate training and work experience opportunities and support job seekers through a flexible, tailored pathway towards employment.
The PaTH Industry Pilot builds on the Government’s MYEFO 2018–19 decision to reduce waiting times so that young people have earlier access to internship opportunities.
Funding for this measure was included in the New Employment Services pilot and transitional arrangements measure announced in the 2019–20 Budget.
An open tender will be conducted in the second half of 2019. For more information about Youth Jobs PaTH, visit: