Thank you for signing my petition

As your Liberal Candidate for Bennelong and part of the Dutton Liberal Team, I am fighting to secure funding to upgrade and finish the Lane Cove River Boardwalk.
The Lane Cove River and its foreshore provide a unique and picturesque walking experience through natural landscapes, in an otherwise dense urban environment. Although sections of the boardwalk have been installed along the eastern foreshore over the last 20 years, parts have degraded and there are a number of missing links.
The infill and restoration of up to 150 metres of boardwalk sections will enable a continuous walking, hiking and running through our community’s natural environment.
Enhancing this precious asset will reinvigorate this boardwalk and provide greater exercise, wellness and safety for our community.
Please sign my petition and help me fight to secure funding to upgrade and finish the Lane Cove River Boardwalk.