Shadow Assistant Minister for Western Sydney, Shadow Assistant Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Shadow Assistant Minister for Housing, Member for Castle Hill
Mark has lived locally with his family for 30 years and served in executive positions on school associations and sporting clubs throughout the community. Mark has spent his life giving back to his community, first as a police prosecutor and as a solicitor, and more recently as Hills Shire Councillor, where he was elected as Deputy Mayor in 2022.
Mark understands first-hand the challenges faced by local families, including the cost of living, and the importance of good local schools, parks, sports fields and access to healthcare. As our local MP, Mark is fighting to make the Hills an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.
As part of the NSW Liberal team, Mark uses his experience to be a strong and effective voice for Castle Hill, to reduce the cost of everyday essentials and to ensure local services and infrastructure are delivered to our community.