Meet Susan
Shadow Assistant Minister for Attorney General, Shadow Assistant Special Minister of State, Shadow Assistant Minister for Corrections, Member of the Legislative Council
Susan is passionate about education, and the opportunities it provides. She has a background in commercial law, public policy and legal education.
A graduate of the University of Sydney (with Honours degrees in both Arts and Law), Susan has had a broad career working as a solicitor with a major commercial firm, and in-house helping companies structure their affairs to achieve their goals. She understands the need for clear, effective regulation – but also the challenges of over-regulation.
Susan has also worked extensively in public policy – especially in the area of family policy. A former board member of the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Family Law Council of Australia, Susan understands that strong societies are built on strong families. She believes that public policy should enable and empower family life. This belief is underscored by her personal experience raising her two children – both the most challenging and rewarding role she has undertaken.
Susan spent many years lecturing in law to both undergraduate and post-graduate students at Macquarie University and the University of Sydney. She currently serves as Director of the Law Extension Committee of the University of Sydney.