Constance prioritises Jervis Bay road for upgrade
Liberal Candidate for Gilmore, Andrew Constance, has announced that if elected, he will work with the NSW Government and Shoalhaven City Council to secure an upgrade for Jervis Bay Road.
Liberal Candidate for Gilmore, Andrew Constance, has announced that if elected, he will work with the NSW Government and Shoalhaven City Council to secure an upgrade for Jervis Bay Road.
With construction works well underway at the Princes Highway and Jervis Bay Road intersection, Mr Constance said an upgrade of Jervis Bay Road was now a priority to ensure safer trips for motorists and residents.
“I travel Jervis Bay Road regularly, and I know how dangerous it can be, particularly during peak holiday periods when traffic numbers increase,” Mr Constance said.
“With almost 10,000 car movements per day, Jervis Bay Road is one of the busiest regional roads in the Shoalhaven and is currently not up to scratch. With more and more motorists utilising the road, particularly during peak holiday periods, the current conditions make it unfit for purpose.
“As more and more traffic utilises Jervis Bay Road, it is time for all levels of government to come together and work to fix this important link road to our towns and villages across the Bay and Basin.
“I am talking with local residents across the Bay and Basin every day, and they are telling me that Jervis Bay Road needs to be upgraded urgently. I have listened and will fight to ensure we secure the partnerships required and the necessary funds to get this done.
“An upgraded Jervis Bay Road will help reduce fatalities on our roads too. Last year, 1,300 lives were lost on Australian roads, the worst result since 2012.
“The road safety task has been made more difficult by the Albanese Government’s decision to cancel, cut, and delay more than $27.9 billion in infrastructure funding over its first two years in government.”
“I was proud to be part of the former NSW Liberal Government that secured the funding and commenced the works on the Princes Highway and Jervis Bay Road intersection upgrade.
“This is on top of over $3.5 billion secured for upgrades to the Princes Highway to the north and south. I know how to deliver major road upgrades, and if elected, I will work tirelessly to ensure Jervis Bay Road receives the upgrade it needs,” Mr Constance said.
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